Our International Artist Day virtual gallery showcases all types of art, including NFT.
The process is simple:
1/ Follow us on Twitter … International Artist Day
2/ MENTION @IntlArtistDay in a Tweet and also TAG it with #iADx365Gallery
Please do NOT send us anything directly. Your Tweet must also include a link to A PAGE ON YOUR WEBSITE that has the following REQUIRED data that we will collect.
A) Your Bio *REQUIRED (150 words minimum to 250 words maximum) – edit it specifically for the iADx365 Gallery – we will copy it verbatim and post without editing as long as it fits our criteria.
B) Information about the IMAGE you’d like featured *REQUIRED (150 words minimum to 250 words maximum) – again, we will copy it verbatim and post without editing as long as it fits our criteria.
C) The image you want featured should ideally be 1920 wide at 72dpi, but no larger. We reserve the right to resize and possibly even crop to fit our format. Just make sure it’s on the page on YOUR WEBSITE and we will collect it. ONE ART IMAGE ONLY, plus your bio pic or custom Avatar if you like.
D) Include the link where your image can be purchased – NFT or otherwise.
E) Also include links to your website and social media if you like.
Please Note: By submitting your data to the iADx365 network you give us permission to host it in perpetuity. We cannot however guarantee when or even if iADX365 will showcase your work, or the length of time it will be posted on our MAIN page.