written by Maurice Cardinal …
A Quick Guide to NFT
Step 1: Start
That’s it.
It’s all you really need to know.
Quit procrastinating about NFT, and simply start.
You’ll learn to fly as art intended–as you freefall.
The beauty of NFT mid-2021 is that you’re still very early.
Considering all the hype and noise about NFT, it might seem like you missed a boat, a train, or a plane, but you’re fine. The cool thing about starting today is that MOST collectors and artists are also starting today, and literally learning alongside of you.
Initially, there was a lot of MISLEADING HYPE, and there still is, but we’re learning quickly how to spot and stop the NFT pump, bump and grind.
Fortunately, there was also a lot of good noise coming from legitimate early adopters, the pioneers risking their time and money so we can stand on their shoulders today. Go ahead, hoist yourself up where you can see, they won’t mind. Many even encourage it. Some have already struck it rich, but the game is young and there’s still a lot left for everyone–more than you can imagine if you figure out the secret handshake. Basically though, it’s the same as always–style, passion, hard work, and a little luck. Artists also need collectors, who, as always, are at a premium. Part of the secret is to pick a lane and stay in it.
If you didn’t get into the PUNK action as an artist or collector, don’t worry. It’s a very specific concept based on stock trading, but without regulations, at least yet. Most artists don’t have interest in roll-the-dice art flipping. Avatars and gamification are very small samples of what NFT CryptoArt is about. Traditional artists, analog and digital, have only just begun to explore NFT.
You’re early, and if you introduce unique NFT art concepts, you’re a pioneer too.
If you’re a traditional or legacy artist who has been in the art game for a while, maybe a canvas painter, or a photographer or sculptor, you already have most of the skills required to become an effective NFT artist.
Mainstream Art Collectors are also just getting onboard with NFT !
If you’re a practiced artist, which means you already make impactful and memorable art, it’s time to take a serious look at NFT. Artists who have been in the contemporary art game for a while already understand the business side of art. Marketing and promotion is critical whether you’re a traditionalist or NFT digi-master. The global challenge is for artists and collectors to find each other in a very noisy and oversaturated market.
Thankfully, NFT dust is starting to settle, with cooler and more intellectual art heads prevailing. It’s an experimental space where artists can evolve quickly.
Before you actually start though, it’s a good idea to lurk a bit so you can see where you might fit in. There are a lot of lanes on this highway, and collectors for every one. The hard part is finding the on-ramp.
Artists and art collectors use the acronym NFT casually today, but there are a few layers you should be aware of in order to make the start-part easier. NFT looks complex when viewed from the moon, but much easier to understand when you zoom in at ground level.
The great thing about NFT is that you don’t have to know everything, now, or ever. You just need to know what you need to know to represent yourself and your NFT art with a bit of style, and integrity. Once you start, you can let your NFT presence evolve naturally as you fall into it.
The art market has quickly become radically fractionalized.
In 2021 there are now so many different art styles and genres that it’s insanely confusing to choose which one fits your style and modus operandi. It’s an important decision though, because when you do start, you don’t want to waste precious time backtracking. Look around first so you have an overview of the structure and lingo. Follow people on Twitter who have similar styles. You’ll soon see how to stake out your own niche. Be careful though because NFT social media is full of the inexperienced leading the experienced, but making it sound like they know the ropes. Most don’t, even though they speak in the absolute. Accounts that attract the most attention are usually the loudest, and often not the most knowledgeable. They also often have a hidden agenda. Free advice is helpful in the beginning, but when your career and life are on the line, you need the best support you can afford.
NFT is about being creative and unique.
The ultra cool thing about a fractured art market is that it means that the Art Collector part of the equation, is also separated into countless niche areas. Because NFT is based on data, aka images, and how they move within the blockchain network, new technology makes it easy for artists to find collectors with similar interests, and vice verse, as long as all parties are well organized.
There is Someone for Everyone
Your goal as an artist is to bump your niche, into a collector’s niche.

It’s kind of like internet dating; “My art might not be perfect, but it’s perfect for you!” So go ahead, look around a bit and then start. If you need a little direction, Reach Out to Say Hello – we have the nudge and knowledge you might need.