International Artist Day launched in 2004 as a one day event celebrating the contribution artists make to society. Since then, sixteen years later in 2020, we’ve grown considerably.
International Artist Day is now 365-Days-a-Year !
Since 2004, our logo looked like this …
However … we’ve grown, sometimes wildly thanks to artistic pioneers like Cirque du Soleil who tagged us for years, and also to ‘cool’ companies that support the arts and International Artist Day too, like Häagen-Dazs ice cream.
Cheers also to Van Gogh Vodka, and many more businesses, plus artists and art institutions all over the world who support our cause. We grew so rapidly in 2020 we had to scramble to reinvent and rebrand.
As a result, here’s our new logo …
Our new threads not only represents our 24/7 presence, it celebrates art’s growth and transition to DIGITAL.
We speed-shifted into adapt and innovate sans a pre-set, and have been jamming change straight off the floor since early 2020.
2021 keywords:
We’ve always been transparent and organic so that part is easy. In other areas however, this year we’re pushing into places that didn’t exist for anyone in 2020–contortionist doesn’t begin to describe it. NFT is a new world, as is Web3.
We want to help more artists, but we also don’t want to use invasive-technology like programmatic marketing that invades privacy. We’ve also never used ad banners. The timing is right however to ramp up our organic style of promotion. Cookies are now being regulated and throttled all over the world. It’s perfect for us because it puts us right back centre stage where we started. Fair play is coming full circle through DAOs and metaverse ecosystems.
Companies are reporting respectable profits without invasive cookies. Again, it’s perfect for us because we’re always looking to align with companies that advance art and culture in a responsible Do it Right way!
Like anyone else, artists can can buy space on our platforms if they like, but they don’t have to as long as they meet basic standards and agree to a few publishing guidelines. Decisions are made on a case-by-case bases.
We do a lot of cool things here like that, but what we don’t do is support targeting strategies made popular by LARGE SOCIAL MEDIA monopolies. We think targeting is harmful to the arts, and society, and especially to artists because it narrows vision.
Targeting represents the exact opposite of art’s intrinsic intent, which is to expand your mind! Unfortunately, sometimes we have no choice but to play in their sandbox because it’s so ubiquitous. For the most part though, we try to avoid oppressive social media sites and find better solutions when possible.
Our goal in 2021 is to invite many more artists, organizations, and companies into our community, and to have them share their insights and latest art projects. Whether artist or art organization, or company, when you see content on our platforms, we’ll identify UPFRONT at the beginning of each article or post exactly who created it so you know immediately the bases of what you are seeing and experiencing. The world has vilified bias over the last few years, but the reality is that we are all biased in some way. The right thing to do is to reveal it upon your introduction.
We use a hybrid version of CONTEXTUAL ADVERTORIAL that values content, not cookies.
We don’t prey on our audience.
AdAge offers a thorough and complex explanation of the contextual concept. Apple CEO Tim Cook lays it out in a different way that makes it disturbingly clear why a radical change and transparency are necessary. Here’s the backstory from a Dutch company called STER that has developed the contextual strategy very effectively for the last few years–their results are amazing.
Our rates at are low because WE CUT OUT the middle-person. Artists and art companies deal directly with us and bypass the mysterious meddling third party cookie companies that unfairly take what’s yours, or covertly sell your content to the highest bidder.
We also incorporate our hybrid concept of the natural FLOW that experienced artists leverage as they create. Flow is an unconscious skill that takes most artists years to develop, whether musician, dancer, painter, carver–et al.
FLOW in our case though is more about a conscious stream of art, that, over the last few years, has swelled into a raging-river overflowing both banks before dumping into the deep, vast sea. Blockchain specialists refer to this massive volume of information as a DATA LAKE, but at this stage, respective of art, it’s more like oceans. Competition for artists is more intense today than at any other time in history. You can’t just show up and expect to be seen anymore. Artists need a plan.
Big data, artificial intelligence-AI, and machine learning are critical aspects of our art visibility strategy at We use these technological tools in ways that benefit artists. For example, our art flow strategy prevents unscrupulous third party companies from siphoning off profit from unsuspecting artists, galleries, and even experienced art collectors.
2021 is a changed world. Consider for a moment that an art lover today can experience a new piece of great art every moment of their life without ever visiting the same piece twice. They don’t even have to go outside.
Today, everyone is an artist and no one is an artist.
Our Web3 styled strategy, based on transparency and volume, finds order in the chaos of today’s art avalanche. Unlike many art galleries and museums, our goal is to act as a conduit, not a gatekeeper. We want to ensure that artists, and not only their art per se, are presented in a way that places the right artists in front of the right buyers and art collectors at the right time. In the promotion game, timing is more important than most artists realize.
Today, the differentiating factor is not only the art itself, it’s also the artist’s unconscious self behind the inspiration. There are thousands of Mona Lisa knock-offs, but only one Leonardo da Vinci.
Art today needs more than just its physical presence to entice a buyer. Today, it’s the story and mystery behind the art that drives interest, whether it’s a canvas painting, live performance, sculpture, or digital masterpiece.
It has always been the intrigue in the story that enraptures an audience, and now more than ever, a carefully crafted secret helps art stand out.
… more about iAD HISTORY